
  • 10 Years of the Music Course - UFC Degree, Sobral campus: actions, trajectories and perspectives

    10 Anos do Curso de Música - Licenciatura da UFC, campus Sobral: ações, trajetórias e perspectivas


    In productionThis book symbolically and commemoratively marks the commitment and dedication of all the agents involved who contributed to the process of implementation and gradual constitution of the Music course - Bachelor's degree at the Federal University of Ceará (UFC), Sobral Campus, during the period between 2011 and 2020.
    The idea was to provide an opportunity for a panoramic reflection on the actions developed by the Music course at UFC/Sobral over the first ten years of its existence, using the pillars of teaching, research and extension as the analysis parameter, in order to...

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  • The cachaça capital of Ceará: Viçosa do Ceará

    A capital cearense da cachaça: Viçosa do Ceará


    The artisanal production of cachaça is a cultural heritage of the city of Viçosa do Ceará. For centuries, the way of making this typically Brazilian drink has been passed down from generation to generation and today it drives the region's economy, both through trade carried out by various local brands and through tourism, stimulated by the circuit of events and guided tours. This small book shows us a little of this tradition and invites us to discover the riches of this beautiful mountain city.

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  • PROCEEDINGS - 1st Meeting of Agrarian Geography of Ceará – Dilemmas of the Agrarian Space of Ceará: Land and Water for what?

    PROCEEDINGS - I Meeting of Agrarian Geography of Ceará – Dilemmas of the Agrarian Space of Ceará: Land and Water for whom?


    These ANNALS demonstrate the potential of agrarian geography produced in Ceará. The 1st Meeting on Agrarian Geography of Ceará, with the theme: Dilemmas of the Agrarian Space of Ceará: Land and Water for Whom?, brought together students, teachers, social movements, rural people, non-governmental organizations and social activists to reflect on the dilemmas of the use and domination of land and water in Ceará. Through lectures, mini-courses, workshops, presentations of works and photographic exhibitions, the agrarian issue of Ceará was problematized, discussed and strengthened. One of the...

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