Teaching History, arts of making
History Teaching, History, TeachingSynopsis
The authors present here had to teach, learn, research and write history in times of pandemic. The climate of insecurity generated by the suspension of classes, due to the New Corona Virus of COVID-19, at the beginning of 2020, and the gradual resumption from mid-2021, made it difficult for these teachers to carry out their tasks, at the same time. students of the ProfHistory disciplines at URCA. They are professionals who reinvented themselves in learning spaces that oscillate between in-person and virtual, while having to experience research, produce, write and recreate their daily work. Teacher-researchers-students who made and make things happen based on and with the challenges of their teaching knowledge and school historical knowledge raised in basic education schools.
Our purpose, authors, organizers and scientific committee, with this book, the result of the dissertations of master's and master's students from ProfHistória URCA, is to incite/strengthen debate between students and history teachers, whether from higher education or basic education, about teaching practices and student experiences for teaching and learning in History.
History, memory and identity of the quilombola territory of Alto Alegre and Base:a didactic proposal
The presence of the resident of favor in the northeastern hinterland and the Teaching of History beyond the textbook
Time in cinema:the uses of films to mediate the appropriation of temporal categories in History teaching
From speeches about change to the demands of teaching History in transition tion of the 20th and 21st centuries:The question of didactic-methodological renewal in school writing of History in the final years of elementary school (1999- 2017)
#XÔFASCISM:The use of comics as a Teaching Resource to discuss the concept of Fascism in History classes
Experience of teaching and learning History with historical comics
“Oh! Literature either kills me or gives me what I ask of it.” Literature as language and source for teaching History:the chronicles of Lima Barreto and the possibilities for teaching History
Glossary of indoctrination:expressions that delegitimize the teaching of History
PLAYHISTORY:Cariri Cearense at stake in History Teaching
Subsidies for Education on ethnic-racial relations:Notes to approach Afro-indigenous themes in History classes average
Historical trajectories:a proposal for teaching History from the Museum of Ceará and the heritage of the historic center of Fortaleza
Teaching History and sensitive pasts:History and memory of the dictatorship military in Brazilian and Argentine textbooks
Heritage education in basic education:a ProfHistória experience
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