It is forbidden to be


Renato Joia Cha


Poetry, Literature, Reflection, Introspection


The poet is a singular being. He keeps such an incomprehensible power within himself, such an immeasurable profusion of feelings, that when it spills out, it is like a force of nature, uncontrollable, unavoidable. For this reason, many poets get lost along the way, preferring to hide, hiding their “true self”, for fearing the consequences of releasing so much energy in a society so averse to what clashes. “Hiding oneself” ends up becoming a defense, a way to protect the exposed nerves, the unencapsulated soul. Our society fears our truths, fears the freedom to be who we should and want to be. It's forbidden to be is more than a book of poems, it's a moment of courage for a being who comes out of his cocoon, who learns to tell the world, in a visceral art, in verses and drawings, who he is and who he intends to be.

Author Biography

Renato Joia Cha

Born in São Paulo, but after the age of 2 he already made Pernambuco his home. He started to vent in his school notebooks, today he is doing something poignant, bold: playing through poetry, in his first book, É Proibido Ser, a collection of himself.

Capa É Proibido Ser


August 1, 2021