Teacher training and educational practices in different training contexts


Emerson Ribeiro (ed)
Universidade Regional do Cariri (Urca)
Maria Dulcinea da Silva Loureiro (ed)
Universidade Regional do Cariri (Urca)
Cicero Magerbio Gomes Torres (ed)
Universidade Regional do Cariri (Urca)


Teacher, Training, Educational Practices, Training contexts


This book, Teacher Training and Educational Practices in different training contexts, becomes imperative and innovative as it presents results of studies and research by graduates, students and researchers of the Professional Master's in Education at the Regional University of Cariri. The experiences presented here bring with them different professional training contexts, in tune with collective discussions in the face of numerous current challenges, in order to present perspectives on teacher training and Educational Practices for a critical, conscious, creative and responsible praxis.

This discussion presents itself as emergency due to the socio-historical, political and cultural issues that have accompanied the development of these research fields in Brazil. When problematized in this book, teacher training and educational practices are discussed in order to contribute to overcoming the challenges that have involved the construction of an inclusive, autonomous, collaborative and quality education.

The book is divided into four parts, these being research and teacher training; education for cultural heritage and ethical-racial relations; teaching and its methodologies and education, school and inclusion in different contexts. We hope that the reflections presented here can contribute to the redefinition of educational practices and to the enhancement of the debate on the themes that the book proposes to discuss, and with this, strengthen the existing production in the area.


  • Historical-dialectical materialism and qualitative and quantitative research in education
    Edson Ribeiro Luna, Fernando Menezes Lima
  • The Theory of Social Representations in Education research
    Rafaelly Carneiro dos Santos Nogueira, Jonisley Soares da Silva, Josier Ferreira da Silva
  • Lord of all destinies:
    “time gives us all the answers, if we can be patients” - reports of a research experience
    Rebeca Baia Sindeaux, Maria Belo Silva Lima
  • The curricular internship in school management in the training of Pedagogy graduates:
    theoretical-legal foundations
    Maria Belo Silva Lima, Maria Socorro Lucena Lima, Francione Charapa Alves
  • Training of physical education teachers in Brazil:
    from the alpha pillar to new perspectives teacher training
    José de Caldas Simões Neto, Ariza Maria Rocha
  • Master must respect:
    teachers of the traditional culture of Cariri Ceará
    Fabiano de Cristo Teixeira e Pinho Júnior
  • Heritage education and teaching activities:
    reflections on the Paleontology Museum of Santana do Cariri (1985-2016)
    Josier Ferreira da Silva, Edilânio Rodrigues Macário
  • Africanities and cultural heritage of Crato-CE:
    the neighborhood's afroarchitecture Seminar
    Meryelle Macedo da Silva, Henrique Cunha Junior, Cicera Nunes
  • The Two Sides of the Coin:
    A Two-Sided Analysis of Constructive Assessment Experiences with geographic facilities
    Emerson Ribeiro , Maria Cynara Gonçalves de Alencar
  • The teaching and learning process for students with visual impairments:
    Bengalando by geographic facilities
    Emerson Ribeiro , Alexandre Ribeiro da Silva
  • Education and creativity:
    reflections and approaches on the lambe-lambe poster for school geography
    Luis Pessoa de Araujo Junior, Thiago Gil Lessa Alves
  • The teaching-learning relationship with geographic facilities when returning to school face-to-face during the pandemic
    Emerson Ribeiro , Andressa Santos Lôbo
  • Mathematical installation:
    a dynamic teaching proposal for the study of affine functions with significance in learning
    Emerson Ribeiro , Josefa Maria da Silva, Claudio Rejane da Silva Dantas
  • Cinema and education:
    film as a pedagogical resource in the classroom
    Maria Dulcinea da Silva Loureiro, João Paulo Bezerra Maciel
  • Strategy for scientific literacy in elementary school:
    application of didactic sequence in the context of medicinal plants
    Ariza Maria Rocha, Luiz Paulo da Penha Ferino
  • The effect of remote teaching on emergency sociology teaching:
    an analysis of praxis teaching and the use of active methodologies
    Francisco Wellery Gomes Bezerra
  • Teaching Philosophy:
    building new methodologies from music and literature
    Raimundo Erivan Lucena de Almeida
  • Education in Human Rights in Brazil:
    it is necessary to change mentalities and build new consciousness
    Maria Dulcinea da Silva Loureiro, Fernando Menezes Lima
  • School dropout in the city of Crato-CE:
    perception of school managers
    Cicero Magerbio Gomes Torres, Tânia Pereira Santana, Zuleide Fernandes de Queiroz
  • The written language of people with ASD at AMA Cariri
    Ana Moésia Magalhães Ribeiro Machado, Frank Lane Macêdo Machado, George Pimentel Fernandes
  • The history of people with disabilities:
    from primitive peoples to the 20th century, a contextualization with autism
    Ana Moésia Magalhães Ribeiro Machado, Frank Lane Macêdo Machado, George Pimentel Fernandes
  • Vocational education schools in the State of Ceará understood through the spatial practices
    Emerson Ribeiro , Róbinson de Souza dos Santos


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Author Biographies

Emerson Ribeiro , Universidade Regional do Cariri (Urca)

Adjunct Professor of the Department of Geosciences and of the Professional Master's in Education at the Regional University of Cariri URCA/CE and of the PPGG/UFPB Program. Graduated in Geography from the University of Sorocaba (2000) and Pedagogy from UEMG (2003). With a Master's degree (2006) and PhD in Human Geography from USP (2014). He has a postdoctoral degree from UFPB (2016). Coordinator of the Quatro Elementos Laboratory (4EL). Works in Teacher Training, Geography/Art and Creativity, Geographic/Pedagogical Facilities, and Urban Geography.

Maria Dulcinea da Silva Loureiro, Universidade Regional do Cariri (Urca)

PhD in Education from the University of São Paulo - USP. Master in Education, from the Federal University of Ceará - UFC, and a degree in Philosophy from the State University of Ceará - UECE. Teacher in the Professional Master's Degree in Education. She works in the area of Teaching Philosophy, Philosophy of Education, Philosophy for children.

Cicero Magerbio Gomes Torres, Universidade Regional do Cariri (Urca)

PhD in Education from the Federal University of Ceará - UFC, Research Line Education, Curriculum and Teaching/ Science Teaching Axis. Master in Education, from the Federal University of Paraíba - UFPB, Research Line Public Policies and Educational Practices, has a degree in Biological Sciences from the Regional University of Cariri – URCA where he works as an adjunct professor in the Biological Sciences Degree Course, in the Master's Degree Professional in Education and Professional Master's Degree in Physics Teaching. Since graduating, he has worked in the area of Science Teaching and developed research in the field of curriculum, teacher training and teaching. He is currently a member of the Brazilian Society for Biology Teaching – SbenBio.

Edson Ribeiro Luna, Seduc-CE

Master in Education from the Regional University of Cariri (URCA). Effective professor at SEDUC-CE.

Fernando Menezes Lima, Universidade Regional do Cariri (Urca)

Mestre em Educação pela Universidade Regional do Cariri (URCA). Professor efetivo, Classe Auxiliar, do grupo ocupacional Magistério Superior, curso de Direito, da URCA. Pesquisador do Grupo de Estudos e Pesquisas em Direitos Humanos Fundamentais (GEDHUF).


Rafaelly Carneiro dos Santos Nogueira, Seduc-CE

Master in Education from the Professional Master's Program in Education at the Regional University of Cariri (URCA), effective teacher of Portuguese Language in the State of Ceará.

Jonisley Soares da Silva

Master in Education from the Professional Master's Program in Education at the Regional University of Cariri (URCA).

Josier Ferreira da Silva, Universidade Regional do Cariri (Urca)

PhD in Education and permanent professor of the Professional Master's Program in Education at the Regional University of Cariri (Urca).

Rebeca Baia Sindeaux

Master in Education from the Professional Master's Program in Education at the Regional University of Cariri - URCA, graduated in Pedagogy from the State University of Ceará - UECE, specialist in School Management from UECE. Teacher and storyteller.

Maria Belo Silva Lima, Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Ceará (IFCE)

Professor at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Ceará (IFCE), Brazil.

Maria Socorro Lucena Lima, Universidade Estadual do Ceará (UECE)

Professor of the Postgraduate Program at the State University of Ceará (UECE) and Permanent Professor of the Professional Master's Program in Education at the Regional University of Cariri (URCA), Brazil.

Francione Charapa Alves, Universidade Federal do Cariri (UFCA)

Adjunct Professor at the Federal University of Cariri (UFCA) and Collaborating Professor of the Professional Master's Program in Education at the Regional University of Cariri (URCA), Brazil.

José de Caldas Simões Neto, Centro Universitário Dr. Leão Sampaio

Text makes up the dissertation: “Directions for Teacher Training: Physical Education and Environmental Education in Full-Time Schools in Juazeiro do Norte-Ceará” of the Professional Master's Program in Education - MPEDU at the Regional University of Cariri (URCA).

Ariza Maria Rocha, Universidade Regional do Cariri (Urca)

PhD in Education from the Federal University of Ceará - Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil. Professor at the Regional University of Cariri (URCA) Crato, Ceará, Brazil. Leader of the Center for Research, Study and Extension in Physical Education - NUPEF at the Regional University of Cariri (URCA) Crato, Ceará, Brazil.

Fabiano de Cristo Teixeira e Pinho Júnior, Universidade Federal do Cariri (UFCA)

Master in Education from the Professional Master's Program in Education at the Regional University of Cariri (URCA). Specialist in Popular Culture, Art and Rural Education - Agricultural Residency from the Federal University of Cariri (UFCA) and music educator graduated from UFCA.

Edilânio Rodrigues Macário, Universidade Regional do Cariri-URCA.

Universidade Regional do Cariri-URCA.

Meryelle Macedo da Silva, Universidade Regional do Cariri (Urca)

Universidade Regional do Cariri (Urca).

Henrique Cunha Junior, Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC)

Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC)

Cicera Nunes, Universidade Regional do Cariri (Urca)

Universidade Regional do Cariri (Urca).

Maria Cynara Gonçalves de Alencar, Seduc-CE

Master in Education from the Regional University of Cariri (URCA); Geography Teacher at the Department of Education of the State of Ceará, at EEM Adrião do Vale Nuvens. Santana do Cariri, Ceará.

Alexandre Ribeiro da Silva, Seduc-CE

Professor at the Basic Education Network of the State of Ceará, Master in Professional Education from the Regional University of Cariri (Urca). And a doctorate in progress at PPGG/UFPB.

Luis Pessoa de Araujo Junior

Student of the Professional Master's in Education program (MPEDU) Universidade Regional do Cariri.

Thiago Gil Lessa Alves, Universidade Regional do Cariri (Urca)

Adjunct and Post-Doc Professor in the Professional Master's Program in Education (MPEDU).

Andressa Santos Lôbo, Seduc-CE

Geography Teacher at E.E.F. Filemon Teles, in Mauriti-CE. Master in Education from the Professional Master's Program in Education at URCA (MPEDU).

Josefa Maria da Silva, Seduc-CE

Professor at the Department of Education of the State of Ceará - SEDUC, Master in Education from the Regional University of Cariri (Urca).

Claudio Rejane da Silva Dantas, Universidade Regional do Cariri (Urca)

Professor of the Department of Physics, Regional University of Cariri (Urca).

João Paulo Bezerra Maciel

Graduate of the Master's Program in Professional Education in Education (MPEDU), Universidade Regional do Cariri.

Luiz Paulo da Penha Ferino

Mestrado em Educação pela Universidade Regional do Cariri.

Francisco Wellery Gomes Bezerra

Mestre em Educação. Professor de Sociologia.


Raimundo Erivan Lucena de Almeida, Seduc-CE

Master in Education from the Professional Master's Program in Education - PMPEDU/URCA, teacher in the basic education network.

Tânia Pereira Santana

Mestre em Educação pelo Mestrado Profissional em Educação da Universidade Regional do Cariri-URCA. Gestora Municipal da Cidade do Crato-CE.

Zuleide Fernandes de Queiroz, Universidade Regional do Cariri (Urca).

PhD in Education. Professor of the Professional Master's in Education at the Regional University of Cariri (Urca).

Ana Moésia Magalhães Ribeiro Machado, Seduc-MIssão Velha-CE

Master in Education from URCA; Physical Education professional, UFPB - 2001; Specialist in special education, UVA - 2006; Elementary School Physical Education Teacher - Juazeiro do Norte - 2006 to the present day; Civil servant at the municipal health department working at CAPS in Missão Velha - 2008 to the present day.

Frank Lane Macêdo Machado, Seduc-CE

Master's student in Education at URCA; Full Degree in Geography, URCA 2002; Geography and Environment Specialist - URCA 2009; Specialist in Management and Evaluation of Public Education in Ceará - CAED/UFJF 2011; Specialist in Mental Health with an emphasis on ASD - INESP 2017; Professor of the Ceará State Network - High School - SEDUCE/CE from 2005 to the present day.

George Pimentel Fernandes, Universidade Regional do Cariri (Urca)

PhD in Education from UFRN - 2004; Master's degree in Education from UFPB - 1998; Degree in pedagogy from UECE - 1985; Professor of the Masters in Education at Urca (Advisor)

Róbinson de Souza dos Santos, Seduc-CE

Geography teacher in the public school system of the State of Ceará and master in education from the Regional University of Cariri, URCA.

Book cover Teacher training and educational practices in different training contexts



December 1, 2022