Oiticica dos Rosários: : Rescuing the Memory of the Community


Magnolia Maria Soares Meneses (ed), Secretaria de Saúde do município de Ipueiras; Manoel Alves Filho; Marcos Augusto de Freitas Costa; Patrícia de Fátima Melo Rodrigues Sena (ed), Seduc-Ipueiras; Maria Cleide Brandão


The Ministry of Culture, in 2013, provided schools in the public education system with the opportunity to work on cultural issues, adding values to the school and community experience, through the registration of cultural projects.

Since then, the management of comprehensive education in the municipality of Ipueiras began to mobilize the directors of school units, as well as their teams, in order to reflect important aspects of their communities and, with this support, develop a cultural project. A total of thirty-five projects were registered.


  • Bringing local history into the classroom
    Maria Cleide Brandão
  • A little of what time has bequeathed to us: the background and Curato from Acaraú
    Marcos Augusto de Freitas Costa
  • The Municipality of Ipueiras
  • Church:
    people and temple
  • Notes on the History of the Parish and the Parish Church of Ipueiras
    Marcos Augusto de Freitas Costa
  • Christ the Redeemer of Ipueiras
    Patrícia de Fátima Melo Rodrigues Sena
  • Triumphal arch of Our Lady of Fátima
  • Oiticica dos Rosários:
    rescuing the memory of the community
  • Biographies of faith healers active in the community
  • Deceased healers and prayers
  • Padre Geraldo Oliveira Lima
  • Padre Luiz José de Lima
  • History of EEIEF Gonçalo José de Lima
  • Biography of Gonçalo José de Lima
  • Biographies of pioneering teachers
  • Civil society organization of the community of Oiticica dos Rosaries
  • Soccer team
  • Galeria de fotos e documentos


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Author Biographies

Magnolia Maria Soares Meneses, Secretaria de Saúde do município de Ipueiras

Social Worker at the Health Department of the municipality of Ipueiras, graduated from the State University of Ceará – UECE (2005) and specialist in Social Service, Social Security and Social Security Legislation, from Faculdade Ratio (2015).

Manoel Alves Filho

Professor graduated in History from the Instituto Superior de Teologia Aplicada – INTA (2013), Director of the Gonçalo José de Lima Elementary School, with a Postgraduate Degree in School Management from UVA – Universidade Vale do Acaraú.

Marcos Augusto de Freitas Costa

Graduated in History from Vale do Acaraú State University - UVA. Postgraduate in Teaching Philosophy and Sociology from Faculdade Venda Nova do Imigrante - FAVENI. Pastoral Agent at Nossa Senhora da Conceição Parish, Ipueiras-CE.

Patrícia de Fátima Melo Rodrigues Sena, Seduc-Ipueiras

Professor with a degree in Physical Education from Universidade Estadual Vale do Acaraú – UVA – 2012. Graduated in Management of small and medium-sized companies from Universidade Estadual Vale do Acaraú – 2004 and Specialist in Personal Trainer from Faculdade Darcy Ribeiro – 2013. Postgraduate in School Management from GRAPE. Memorialist, researcher of documentary and oral history; Public servant in the municipality of Ipueiras for 19 years at the Department of Education – currently Deputy Secretary of Education.

Maria Cleide Brandão

Professor with a degree in History from the Instituto Superior de Teologia Aplicada – INTA (2013), specialist in Brazilian History, from the Instituto Superior de Teologia Aplicada – INTA (2015).

Book cover Oiticica dos Rosários: Rescuing the Memory of the Community



December 1, 2020