Trajetórias de pesquisa: Os mundos do trabalho em transformação
Research , Teaching , Work , New perspectives , Work systemsSynopsis
Uberização, gender, traditional workers, land workers, or unionism, inequalities, dialogue, research, capitalism, empathy. Each of these key words is essential for those who are interested in studies about the world of work. More ainda: there are fundamental issues for each of us, workers, inserted in a society in constant transformation, never always (or almost never) for better. Pensando nisso, a series Território Científico uniu in this 5th volume interviews with 11 researchers who have dedicated themselves to the world of work and workers for years. To better conhecermos our society, nothing better than we conhecermos aquilo que a move: o trabalho. We therefore invite you, dear readers, to reflect on what we know about our reality, which is the first step so that we can make this transformation more just.
"Uberization and crisis in the world of workinterview with César Samson
Work and genderinterview with Helena Hirata
“Las marisquerías estaban ahí, solas”entrevista con Luiz Henrique dos Santos Blume
Capitalist transformations and (in)equalities in the world of workinterview with Márcia de Paula Leite
Dialogue with the different sectors of society is important in research and teachinginterview with Telma Bessa Sales
Subjects in the struggle for landinterview with Samuel Maupeou
Trade unionism and the world of workinterview with Marcelo Badaró Mattos
“You can’t think of society without work”Interview with Clarice Speranza
Research and empathy in the world of workinterview with Antonio Bosi
“Good questions make good research”interview with Fabiane Popinigis
“It would be strange if I hadn’t chosen to study work”interview with William Mello
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