The Game of Powers: impeachment, politicization and democracy


Sara Alves Magalhães
Ministério Público do Estado do Ceará


1. Right. 2. Policy. 3. Democracy.


What makes Fernando Collor's impeachment processes different de Mello and Dilma Rousseff? Can both processes be seen as examples of judicial exemption or were they somehow tainted by political interests? There is nothing better than the commitment of a young and competent researcher to seek such answers. In her first book, Sara Alves Magalhães deals with complex themes, but always with the concern of make them understandable to your readers.  


  • The Game of Powers
    impeachment, politicization and democracy

Author Biography

Sara Alves Magalhães, Ministério Público do Estado do Ceará

Sara Alves Magalhães She holds a law degree from the Vale State University. do Acaraú, located in Sobral/CE; and Master of Law Public Constitutional and Political Theory from the University of Fortaleza. She is currently a professor at the Law at Faculdade Princesa do Oeste, located in Crateús/CE, and servant of the Public Ministry of the State do Ceará, acting as Legal Advisor I.

Power Game cover


September 1, 2022