Spatial configuration of Alagoas


Paulo Rogério de Freitas Silva
Universidade Federal de Alagoas (UFAL)


Spatial organization, Alagoas, Urban form, Urbanization, Urban density


The book “The spatial configuration of Alagoas” is a contribution to Alagoas geography. In it, the reader will find a rich survey of the most relevant aspects for understanding the regional sections carried out in the state since ancient times. The 102 municipalities gain movement, as they are described in their genesis, within a tone that turns reading into a call to look at Alagoas in its internal natural, cultural, political, economic and social diversity and its particularities in relation to other units of Brazilian territory. Professor Paulo Rogério's didactic writing allows the work to be understood, even when read in parts, as I believe that many people from Alagoas will immediately find themselves in their place. In this sense, I invite you to enjoy reading this state, presented to me and so many colleagues by my friend Paulo Rogério, in such a beautiful and original way.

Vale do Acaraú State University – UVA-CE


  • The Space Organization of the State of Alagoas
  • Figures displaying municipal political emancipations in Alagoas
  • The spatial outlines of the state of Alagoas: regions as units of analysis

Author Biography

Paulo Rogério de Freitas Silva, Universidade Federal de Alagoas (UFAL)

Graduated and Master in Geography from the Federal University of Pernambuco - UFPE, in 1992 and 1995, respectively, and PhD in Human Geography from the University of São Paulo - USP in 2007. Post-doctorate in Geography from UERJ - State University of Rio de Janeiro in 2020. Professor at IGDEMA - Institute of Geography, Development and Environment at UFAL - Federal University of Alagoas, where he dedicates himself to teaching and research in the area of Regional Geography. Permanent professor of the Postgraduate Program in Geography at UFAL, providing guidance on topics relating to the regional dynamics of Alagoas. He coordinates the LER-Laboratory of Regional Studies, where he develops research on the regional archetypes of Alagoas and their various nomenclatures and on the territorial formation of Alagoas. He coordinates the following research: The institutionalization of the metropolitan regions of Alagoas: the challenge of regional planning; The genetic complexity of the urban in Alagoas: the sea and the river as routes of territorial dominance in the Brazilian Northeast and; Territorial Formation of the state of Alagoas: from its genetic complexity to municipal political emancipations. Leads the Region, Regionalization and Regionalisms Research Group, registered with CNPq.

Capa Configuração espacial de Alagoas



February 1, 2021