
Sandra Feiteiro


1. Family. 2. Memory. 3. Craftsmanship.


A love story between the sun and the moon, which occupy their places in the sky at diametrically opposite times, may seem impossible. But what is impossible for love? This could be just another common love story, were it not for its nuances worthy of one of the most beautiful scripts, possible only in real life. There are no clichés here, or at least not the usual plot twists, but the search for the realization of a love that overcame real obstacles with its magic.

Just as the Sun and Moon managed to stay together through the eclipse, this family was born from a rare meeting of two souls that connected. And like all love, it wants to be shared, so, dear reader, feel invited to discover this story so well illustrated by the art of poetry woven and painted by the authors.


  • total eclipse

Author Biographies

Sandra Feiteiro

Sandra R. Feiteiro

Master in Linguistic Studies by the Graduate Program in Letters at UFPA (2016). Specialist in Linguistic Studies and Literary Analysis by UEPA. Degree in Letters, Portuguese Language and Arts from UFPA. Effective teacher AD-4, Class III - Secretary of State for Education PA. artisan

Robson Lopes

Robson W.C. Lopes

Doctorate in progress in Social History of the Amazon (UFPA). Master in Religious Sciences from the State University of Pará (UEPA). Degree in Philosophy-Theology (IPAR/FPA) and Sciences of Religion (IPAR-UVA). Philosophy Professor of the Permanent Staff of the Federal Institute of Pará (IFPA). Member of the Staff Class of the Historical and Geographical Institute of Pará (IHGP), Chair No. 51-patronym of Eduardo Galvão.




May 1, 2022