Ludwig Feuerbach: between themes and dialogues


José Edmar Lima Filho (ed)
Universidade Estadual Vale do Acaraú (UVA)


Philosophy, Feurbach, academic reflections


“Returning to Feuerbach: this is the imperative that guides the production of the book that we now make available for public debate. The objective of proposing this return is based on a double root, which also justifies the choice of the title of this work: on the certainty that, due to a duty of honesty, there is still much to unravel from Feuerbach's thought and, hence, on the proposal to offer other dialogues with Feuerbach, perhaps less evident than one might expect. [...] [The] thematic multiplicity of issues and the polyphony resulting from the dialogues [...] highlighted [in this work] little (or almost never) are duly deepened in the perspectives of those who see Feuerbach more through the eyes of his critics than by himself. It can be safely concluded that going beyond the surface and the jargon consolidated by the audacity of reading Feuerbach's production is allowing yourself to refuse the commonplaces to find yourself in trouble for the unsaid and for the density of the new in an author supposedly outdated. It is necessary to return to Feuerbach for himself and perhaps we will be better at understanding ourselves and what surrounds us. And it is no less than this that we expect.”


  • CHAPTER 1 - Feuerbach and Language
    by a reading of the theologisch-satyrischer Xenien (1830)
    José Edmar Lima Filho
  • CHAPTER 2 - On writing and life, according to Feuerbach
    Adriana Veríssimo Serrão
  • CHAPTER 3 - The heart and soul
    two modes of feeling according to Feuerbach
    Ferruccio Andolfi
  • CHAPTER 4 - Aesthetic contemplation and its ethical consequences in the philosophy of Ludwig Feuerbach
    Maximiliano Dacuy
  • CHAPTER 5 - L. A. Feuerbach, moral philosopher. A non-imperative ethic for today's man
    Francisco Martínez Hidalgo
  • CHAPTER 6 - Feuerbach and Kant
    Considerations on love and happiness
    Felipe Assunção Martins
  • CHAPTER 7 - Human Objectivity in Feuerbach and Marx
    Renato Almeida de Oliveira
  • CHAPTER 8 - Deleuze reader of Feuerbach
    the operation of the death of God
    Pablo Uriel Rodríguez
  • CHAPTER 9 - The reception of Ludwig Feuerbach in the work of Gilles Deleuze
    from Nietzsche and Philosophy to his Foucault
    Juan Manuel Spinelli


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Author Biographies

José Edmar Lima Filho, Universidade Estadual Vale do Acaraú (UVA)

He holds a Bachelor's Degree (Vale do Acaraú State University - 2005), a Master's (State University of Ceará - 2012) and a Doctor of Philosophy (Federal University of Ceará - 2017), as well as a Bachelor's Degree in Theology from the Theological-Pastoral Institute of Ceará (2008 - today Catholic College of Fortaleza). He is currently Adjunct Professor of the Philosophy Course at the Vale do Acaraú State University and Permanent Professor of the Postgraduate Program in Philosophy at the same Institution, as well as Adjunct Dean of Research and Postgraduate Studies at the aforementioned University. He is the leader of the Ludwig Feuerbach and Post-Hegelian Thought Research Group-GPELF / CNPq and member of the Nucleus of Support of the WG Criticism and Semantics of ANPOF / Brazil. He is a Productivity Scholarship holder of the Research Productivity Scholarship Program, Stimulus to Interiorization and Technological Innovation-BPI, of the Cearense Foundation for Scientific and Technological Development Support-FUNCAP / CE (Edital nº 02/2020-BP4-0172-00279.01. 00/20). Professor José Edmar Lima Filho has extensive experience in the field of Philosophy, working mainly on the following topics: Kant, Feuerbach, Ethics, Theory of Knowledge, Philosophy of Religion and the relationship between Philosophy and Theology.

Adriana Veríssimo Serrão, Universidade de Lisboa

Adriana Veríssimo Serrão is an Associate Professor with an Aggregation Title at the School of Letters of the University of Lisbon, where she teaches Philosophical Anthropology, Aesthetics, Philosophy of Nature and Philosophy of Landscape. She was principal investigator of the Research Project “Philosophy of Landscape” (Philosophy Center of the University of Lisbon) and “Philosophy and Architecture of Landscape” (PTDC / FIL / 100565/2008), 2010-2013). Director of Philosophica Magazine (Department of Philosophy at the University of Lisbon). President of the Scientific Committee of the Internationale Gesellschaft der Feuerbach-Forscher (Berlin). Her work focuses on Aesthetics, Philosophical Anthropology and German Idealism (Kant, Feuerbach, Simmel).

Ferruccio Andolfi, Universidade de Parma

He is professor of moral philosophy at the Faculty of Letters and Philosophy at the University of Parma. A scholar of the relationships between humanism, socialism and individualism (with particular attention to the history of thought in the 19th century), his research has explored the themes of work, equality, freedom and citizenship. Director of the magazine «La Società degli Individual», he edited the Italian edition of works by Marx, Feuerbach, Simmel and Guyau. Among his volumes: Selfishness and Abnegation. The ethical itinerary of the Hegelian left and socialism (Milan 1983); identity figures. Research on the Modern Subject (edited by, Milan 1988); Equality and Citizenship (et al., Milan 1992); Work and freedom. Marx, Marcuse, Arendt (Reggio Emilia 2004); The non-man is not a monster. Essays on Stirner (Naples 2009).

Felipe Assunção Martins, Universidade Federal de Goiás (UFG)

PhD student in Philosophy at the University of Brasília (UnB/2018) in the research line of Ethics, Political Philosophy and Philosophy of Religion, holds a Master's degree in Philosophy from the Federal University of Goiás (2016), graduation (2013) in Philosophy from the same institution and Degree in Philosophy (2021) from Centro Universitário Claretiano, working mainly on the following topics: Philosophy of Religion, German Idealism, Post-Hegelian Philosophy, Ethics. Member of the research groups on 'Philosophy of Religion', 'Nucleus of Studies on German Thought', both at UnB/DF, and of the research group 'Ludwig Feuerbach and Post-Hegelian Thought' at UVA/CE. Between 2018 and 2020, he was a substitute professor in the Philosophy course at the Federal University of Goiás - UAECH Regional Cidade de Goiás. /Regional Goiás'.

Renato Almeida de Oliveira

PhD in Philosophy from the Graduate Program in Philosophy at the Federal University of Ceará (UFC), with the research entitled "Secularization and the return of the religious phenomenon from the theory of estrangement in Marx". He holds a Masters in Philosophy from the same institution with research on "The concept of man in Marx in a critical-emancipatory perspective". He also holds a degree in Philosophy from the Federal University of Ceará, when he developed a scientific initiation research on "Marx and the issue of humanism" as a fellow of the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq). He is an Adjunct Professor of the Philosophy Course at the Vale do Acaraú State University (UVA). He coordinates the Study and Research Group in Philosophy and Political and Social Theory (GEPPS/UVA). He is a member of the Philosophy of Religion Research Group (GEpHIR/UVA) and the Marxist Studies Group (GEM/UFC). Currently develops research in the areas of Philosophy of Religion and Philosophy and Social and Political Theory from Hegel, Feuerbach and Marx.

Pablo Uriel Rodríguez
Capa Ludwig Feuerbach: entre temas e diálogos



September 1, 2022