Patrimony, Memory and Historiography


Antônio Gilberto Ramos Nogueira (ed)
Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC)


Heritage, Historical research, Memory, Historiography.


Book with articles presented at the VI International Seminar on History and Historiography. The works gathered here were part of the Thematic Symposia “Public history, heritage and memory”, “History and Historiography of Cultural Heritage symbolic spaces in multiple perspectives and perspectives” and “Cultural Heritage and the political uses of the past in contemporary Brazil”. The texts gathered here aim to bring to debate the different interpretations about the past, present and future that shape the narratives concerning the construction of cultural heritage in Brazil.


  • “The Outdoor Story”:
    Statuary monuments and History Teaching in public squares
    Liesly Oliveira Barbosa
  • Sweat, memory and narrative:
    the memorials of the Brazilian Labor Court in the New Coronavirus pandemic
    Carla Bianca Carneiro Amarante Correia
  • From the Amazon perspective:
    the preservation of Brazilian cultural heritage without baroque art and colonial architecture
    André Luis dos Santos Andrade
  • Extinguished chimneys:
    the place of industrial heritage in Pernambuco
    Maria Clara da Silva Cavalcante
  • Heritage education or instruction for heritage? The place of SPHAN in the educational project of the Ministry of Education (1930- 1945)
    Pedro Henrique da Silva Paes
  • The rope question:
    devout autonomy at the Círio de Nazaré in Belém - PA
    Thamires Beatriz Braga Barros
  • The Instituto da Memória do Povo Cearense and militancy through Cultural heritage
    Ana Cristina de Sales
  • The patrimonialization of Brazilian theaters in IPHAN processes
    Eduardo Roberto Jordão Knack
  • May history always be in your favor:
    Political uses of heritage in Sobral-CE, 1995-1999
    Edcarlos da Silva Araujo
  • The construction of José Alencar's social memory through complimentary speeches (Fortaleza/CE, 1929)
    Frederico de Andrade Pontes
  • The Barranca Festival (since 1972) and the uses of the past in the elaboration of cultural heritage in Gauchism
    Natali Braga Spohr
  • The conceptions of “Popular Culture” in the Cordel Literature Project of the Ceará Cultural Reference Center - CERES (1975-1990)
    Ulysses Santiago de Carvalho

Author Biographies

Antônio Gilberto Ramos Nogueira , Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC)

Professor of the Department of History and the Postgraduate Program in History - UFC.

He has a doctorate in History from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (PUC/SP). He completed a post-doctoral internship at the Center for Research in Anthropology-CRIA, Universidade Nova de Lisboa-UNL and at the Institute of Brazilian Studies at the University of São Paulo (USP). He is an associate professor at the Department of History and the Postgraduate Program in Social History, at the Federal University of Ceará (UFC), and a professor at ProfHistória / UFC. He is coordinator of the Group of Studies and Research in Heritage and Memory-GEPPM / UFC / CNPq and coordinator of the GT History and Cultural Heritage (ANPUH-Brazil).

Ana Rita Fonteles Duarte, Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC)

Prof. from the History Department and Coordinator of PPGH - UFC

She has a doctorate in Cultural History from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC). She is an associate professor in the Department of History at the Federal University of Ceará (UFC). Currently, she coordinates the Postgraduate Program in History at UFC. She is a member of the Profhistoria (UFC) faculty. She has experience in the areas of History and gender, women's history, gender and dictatorship in Brazil. She coordinates the History and Gender Research and Studies Group (GPEHG / UFC / CNPq).

Ana Sara Cortez Irffi, federal University of Ceara

Prof. of the Department of History and Deputy Coordinator PPGH - UFC

She has a PhD in Social History from the Federal University of Ceará (UFC). She is a professor in the History Department at UFC. She is deputy coordinator of the Postgraduate Program in History (UFC). Coordinator of the Research Laboratory in Economic and Social History - LAPHES. She has experience in the area of History, with an emphasis on Social History, working mainly on the themes: worlds of work, rural world, slavery, History of Brazil, research, history and theory.

Liesly Oliveira Barbosa

Master's student at PROFHISTÓRIA — UFC 2020, CAPES scholarship holder. Specialist in History Teaching Methodologies from the State University of Ceará and Bachelor's Degree from the Federal University of Ceará.

Carla Bianca Carneiro Amarante Correia

Master's student in Social History in the Memory and Temporalities research line, from the Postgraduate Program in Social History at the Federal University of Ceará, through funding via a CAPES grant. Researcher at the History and Gender Research and Studies Group (GPEHG/CNPq UFC) and the Memory and Heritage Studies and Research Group (GEPPM/CNPq/UFC).

André Luis dos Santos Andrade

Federal University of Pará. Postgraduate Program in Social History of the Amazon (PPHIST/UFPA). Master in Preservation of Brazilian Cultural Heritage from the National Historical and Artistic Heritage Institute.

Maria Clara da Silva Cavalcante

Federal University of Pernambuco, PhD student, Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES).

Pedro Henrique da Silva Paes

Graduated in History from the Federal University of Ceará (UFC), Specialist in Human Sciences Teaching from the Federal Institute of Ceará (IFCE) and master's degree in history from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN).

Thamires Beatriz Braga Barros

Master's student in Social History of the Amazon — PPHIST/UFPA.

Ana Cristina de Sales

PhD student in Brazilian Education at the Federal University of Ceará — UFC; Scholarship from the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel — CAPES.

Eduardo Roberto Jordão Knack

Graduated and Master in History from the University of Passo Fundo; PhD in History from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul; Post-Doctorate from the Postgraduate Program in Social Memory and Cultural Heritage at the Federal University of Pelotas; Adjunct Professor at the History Academic Unit at the Federal University of Campina Grande.

Edcarlos da Silva Araujo

Master's student in History at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte — UFRN, CAPES scholarship holder.

Frederico de Andrade Pontes

Master in History (UECE), director of Casa de José de Alencar/UFC, member of the Study and Research Group on Heritage and Memory/GEPPM/UFC

Natali Braga Spohr

PhD student in the Postgraduate Program in History at the Federal University of Santa Maria-UFSM/RS.

Ulysses Santiago de Carvalho

Master's student of the Postgraduate Program in History (PPGH) at the Federal University of Ceará (UFC). Research funded by the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq).

Book cover Heritage, Memory and Historiography



December 1, 2020