Education in the city of Teresina: environment and landscapes


Iracilde Maria de Moura Fé Lima (ed)
Universidade Federal do Piauí (UFPI)
Mugiany Oliveira Brito Portela (ed)
Universidade Federal do Piauí (UFPI)
Antônio José Teixeira Guerra (ed)
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ)


Geography, Teaching, Landscape


The presentation of proposals for teaching Geography about the city of Teresina consists of an initial step towards a more detailed concept of approaches to the city and the daily lives of the people who live in it. The intention is, above all, to show that there is an alternative way to teach the city of Teresina, in a more critical and active way. As a precaution, the proposals aim to contribute to the training of teachers (initial and continuing), in the expectation that they reflect and make the necessary adjustments to their realities. In this way, the referred book presents different discussions with themes that are present in the Basic Education curricula, such as the teaching of Geography, Biology and History, from a perspective turned to the city of Teresina (Piauí).


  • The teaching of Geography of places
    the (lack of) knowledge of landscapes and the (de)construction of the urban environment
    Marcelo Martins de Moura Fé
  • The climate(s) of Teresina (Piauí) and interpretation possibilities in the classroom
    Hikaro Kayo de Brito Nunes, Jamersson Francisco Ribeiro Brito
  • The teaching of geological bases, relief and rivers and their relations with the formation/transformation of the urban space of Teresina (Piauí)
    Iracilde Maria de Moura Fé Lima
  • Floods and the resulting socio-environmental problems
    reflections for teaching in Teresina (Piauí)
    Sammya Vanessa Vieira Chaves, Iracilde Maria de Moura Fé Lima
  • City green areas
    the role of vegetation as a mitigating factor in the urban context of Teresina (Piauí)
    Tony César de Sousa Oliveira, Vanessa Fernanda da Silva Sousa, Ruth Raquel Soares de Farias, Antonio Alberto Jorge Farias Castro
  • Community gardens in Teresina (Piauí)
    contributions to education
    Almir Bezerra Lima
  • Teaching about the geodiversity of cities and its importance for urban geotourism
    Maria do Carmo Oliveira Jorge, Antônio José Teixeira Guerra
  • Geotourism and cultural tourism in Teresina (Piauí)
    itineraries to know, value and teach about the environmental and cultural heritage
    Francisco Welington de Araújo Sousa, Iracilde Maria de Moura Fé Lima, Elisabeth Mary de Carvalho Baptista
  • Geotechnologies as tools for representation and analysis of landscapes in Teresina (Piauí)
    Marco Aurélio da Silva Lira Filho

Author Biographies

Iracilde Maria de Moura Fé Lima, Universidade Federal do Piauí (UFPI)

Graduated in Geography from the Federal University of Ceará. Master in Geography from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro and PhD in Geography from the Federal University of Minas Gerais. Perpetual member of the Academy of Sciences of Piauí (chair 53). Perpetual member of the Historical-Geographical Institute of Piauí. Retired from UFPI. She works in the area of Geosciences, with emphasis on Physical Geography, specifically in the areas of Geomorphology, Hydrography, Environment and Education. She is the Coordinator of GAAE-Geomorphology, Environmental Analysis and Education.

Mugiany Oliveira Brito Portela, Universidade Federal do Piauí (UFPI)

She holds a degree in Geography from the State University of Piauí (2000), a Master's degree in Development and Environment from the Federal University of Piauí (2005) and a PhD in Geography from the Federal University of Goiás. UFPI Geography. She works with themes related to the teaching of Geography, city and curriculum. She participates in groups of research groups: GECEF, GAEE, NUPEG and NEPEG.

Antônio José Teixeira Guerra, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ)

He holds a degree in Geography from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (1974), a Master's in Geography from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (1983) and a PhD in Soil Erosion - University of London (1991). Postdoctoral fellow at the University of Oxford (1997) and the University of Wolverhampton (2015), England. Currently he is Prof. Head of the Department of Geography, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. More recently, he has also been working on topics related to geoconservation, geodiversity and geotourism, topics that are part of research projects developed within the scope of LAGESOLOS (Laboratory of Environmental Geomorphology and Soil Degradation), coordinated by Antonio Guerra.

Marcelo Martins de Moura Fé, Universidade Regional do Cariri (URCA)

Geographer (licensed and bachelor's degree/UFC). Professor at the Regional University of Cariri (URCA), of the academic master's degree in Geography (Geoceres/UFRN) and of the academic master's degree in Sustainable Regional Development (Proder/UFCA). Doctor in Geography (UFC) and Post-Doctor in Geography (ProPGeo/UECE). Coordinator of the Center for Integrated Studies in Geomorphology, Geodiversity and Heritage - NIGEP (URCA/CNPq). Has experience in the area of Geosciences / Physical Geography, especially in Structural Geomorphology and Environmental Geomorphology, applied in research projects on Geodiversity, Heritage and Sustainability, developed in the states of Ceará, Pernambuco, Piauí and Bahia.

Hikaro Kayo de Brito Nunes, Universidade do Estado do Amazonas (UEA)

PhD in Geography from the State University of Ceará - UECE, Master in Geography from the Federal University of Piauí - UFPI, Specialization in Inclusive Special Education and Environmental Management and Education, both from the Leonardo da Vinci University Center (UNIASSELVI) and Graduated in Full Degree in Geography from the State University of Piauí - UESPI. Develops teaching as Adjunct Professor at the University of the State of Amazonas (UEA/CEST) in the area of "Physical Geography and Geography Teaching" He has experience in the area of Geography, with studies related to the following areas: Geomorphology, Urban Space, Vulnerabilities, Analysis Geoenvironmental, Anthropocene/Technogen and Geography Teaching (didactic resources and physical-natural aspects).

Jamersson Francisco Ribeiro Brito, Universidade do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte - UERN/Campus Central - Mossoró

Master in Geography from the State University Vale do Acaraú - MAG/UVA, is a Specialist in Higher Education Teaching from the Faculty of Applied Sciences Piauiense - FACAPI, has a Full Degree in Geography from the State University of Piauí - UESPI. He currently develops teaching as a Temporary Professor at the Department of Geography at the State University of Rio Grande do Norte-UERN / Campus Central-Mossoró. He has experience in the area of Physical Geography, with studies in Teaching Physical Geography and Climatology, with emphasis on Urban Climate and Human Thermal Comfort.

Sammya Vanessa Vieira Chaves, Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Piauí (IFPI)

Degree in Geography from the Federal University of Piauí, Master in Development and Environment from PRODEMA/UFPI and PhD in Geography from the Graduate Program in Geography at the Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho (UNESP/Rio Claro). Professor of the Professional Master's Program in Spatial Analysis and Planning (MAPEPROF) at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Piauí, with published works in the area of Urban Geography, Urban Climatology, Natural Disasters and Vulnerability.

Tony César de Sousa Oliveira

Graduated in Biological Sciences and Master in Development and Environment from the Federal University of Piauí. He is currently a doctoral candidate at the Graduate Program in Comparative Biology at the Faculty of Philosophy, Sciences and Letters of Ribeirão Preto, University of São Paulo (FFCLRP) in the double degree modality with Wageningen University, in the Netherlands, where he is a Ph.D candidate. in Plant Ecology and Nature Conservation. He has experience in the area of plant ecology, dedicating himself to understanding the structure, dynamics, composition and functional diversity of Brazilian Seasonally Dry Tropical Forests, investigating the effects of climate change on plant communities, through regional scale photosynthesis models linked to aspects of functional biodiversity found in these ecosystems.

Vanessa Fernanda da Silva Sousa, Prefeitura Municipal de Caxias-MA

Doctoral student in the Graduate Program in Development and Environment (DDMA/PRODEMA) at the Federal University of Piauí. Master in Development and Environment (MDMA/TROPEN), from the Federal University of Piauí, with emphasis on the study of Cerrado Floristics and Phytosociology (2018) and researcher at the Northeast Ecotonal Tropic Biodiversity Program (BIOTEN). She holds a degree in Biological Sciences from the Federal University of Piauí (2014). She is currently a biologist, in an effective capacity of the Municipality of Caxias, state of Maranhão. She works as Environmental Education Coordinator for the Municipal Secretariat for the Environment and Civil Defense in the municipality of Caxias-MA.

Ruth Raquel Soares de Farias

Graduated in Full Degree in Biological Sciences from the Federal University of Piauí (1999). She studied Specialization in Environmental Sciences (2001) and in Fundamentals of Education in Prison and Socio-Educational System by IESM (2020). She has a master's degree in Plant Biology from the Federal University of Pernambuco (2003) and a doctorate from the Biotechnology program (RENORBIO – UFPI, 2016). Professor at the Faculty of Higher Education of Piauí (FAESPI); Full professor of the Government of the State of Piauí working with Education in Prisons; Substitute Professor at the Federal University of Piauí (DMTE/ 2017-2019). Professor at AESPI Ensino Superior do Piauí LTDA, and Researcher of the Northeast Ecotonal Tropic Biodiversity Program (BIOTEN) and provides technical services to the Association of this program (ABIOTEN). She has experience in the area of Botany, Ecology and Benthic Macrofauna, with emphasis on inventory and monitoring of Cerrado phytocommunities and associated Ecotones, mainly on the following fronts: biodiversity, sustainability, environmentalism and environmental education.

Antonio Alberto Jorge Farias Castro, Universidade Federal do Piauí (UFPI)

Graduated in Biological Sciences from UFC (1978). He completed his Masters (1987) and Doctorate (1994), both in Plant Biology at UNICAMP. He is currently a Retired TITLE Professor at UFPI. Occupant of Chair No. 47 of the Academy of Sciences of Piauí (ACIPI) and Chair No. 65 of the Ipuense Academy of Letters, Sciences and Arts (AILCA). Implemented the Graduate Program in Environmental Sciences (PGCA) (Specialization Course in Environmental Sciences for Multipliers and Decision Makers in the Environment) (2000 to 2005) and the Graduate Program in Development and Environment (PPGDMA) (2002 to 2004), participating in the latter as Permanent Professor until 2017.

Almir Bezerra Lima, Adjunto da Universidade Federal do Piauí (UFPI)

He holds a degree in Agronomic Engineering from the Federal University of Ceará. She participated in the Training in Agricultural Planning / SUDENE and in the Master in Agricultural Development at the Inter-American School of Public Administration / Fundação Getúlio Vargas / Rio de Janeiro. Environmental Analyst at IBAMA-PI, currently retired. He is an Adjunct Professor at the Federal University of Piauí. He provides consultancy to environmental projects. He has extensive experience in the areas of Rural Extension, Animal Production, Expertise, Environment and Agricultural Development. Tributes/awards received: Relevant Service Provided to the Nation (CREAA Piauí, 1990); Operation Acauã (IBAMA, 1997).

Maria do Carmo Oliveira Jorge, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ)

He holds a degree in Geography from the Federal University of Paraná (1999), a master's degree in Geography from the Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho (2004) and a doctorate in the Graduate Program in Geography from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (2017). He did a post-doctorate (2017-2018), with a CNPq scholarship, developed in the Graduate Program in Geography, under the supervision of Prof. Antonio José Teixeira Guerra. She is an associate researcher at LAGESOLOS (Laboratory of Environmental Geomorphology and Soil Degradation) at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. She has experience in Geography, with an emphasis on Geomorphology, working mainly on the following topics: geomorphology, soil degradation, geotourism, geodiversity and geoconservation.

Francisco Welington de Araújo Sousa

Graduated in Full Degree in Geography from the Federal University of Piauí (2011 - 2016). Master in Geography from the Federal University of Piauí (2018 - 2020). He participates as a Researcher in the Research Group entitled: Geomorphology, Environmental Analysis and Education, registered on the platform of the National Research Council (CNPq), working in the line of research Geomorphology, Dynamics of Watersheds and Environmental Analysis. He also carried out / carries out research on the following topics: Geoprocessing and Remote Sensing; Geotechnologies and geography teaching; Solid Waste, management and socio-environmental impacts of waste in urban and rural environments; Environmental Impacts on Urban Areas and Geodiversity, Geotourism, Geoconservation and Geomorphological Heritage.

Elisabeth Mary de Carvalho Baptista

Graduated in Full Degree in Geography from the Federal University of Piauí - UFPI (1985). Graduated in Biological Sciences from the Federal University of Piauí (1997). Specialist in Ecotourism, Interpretation and Environmental Education from the Federal University of Lavras - UFLA (2002). Specialist in Literature, Cultural Studies and other languages from the State University of Piauí - UESPI (2015). Master in Education from the State University of Piauí - UESPI (2000). Master in Development and Environment from the Federal University of Piauí (2004). PhD in Geography from the Federal University of Santa Catarina - UFSC (2010). He completed a postdoctoral internship in Geography at the Federal University of Piauí (2019). He works mainly on the following topics: coastal zone, sandstone reefs, coastal ecosystems, coastal geomorphology, Piauí coast, landscape, geodiversity, geoconservation, geotourism, geoeducation, water resources, environmental education, ecotourism and sustainable tourism, geography and environment, biogeography, geography and literature, cultural geography, environmental history, research methodology, geography of Piauí and sustainable development of the northeast and Piauí.

Marco Aurélio da Silva Lira Filho

Graduated in Geography from the Federal University of Piauí and specialist in Geoprocessing from the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Piauí - IFPI. Professional master's degree in progress in Analysis and Spatial Planning by the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Piauí (IFPI). He has experience in Geography, with emphasis on Physical Geography and Geoprocessing. He currently works at the State Secretariat for the Environment and Water Resources of Piauí.

Capa Ensino da cidade de Teresina: meio ambiente e paisagens



January 1, 2023