
140 Titles
Geography teaching and assessment book cover

Geography teaching and assessment

Raimundo Lenilde de Araújo (ed), Lineu Aparecido Paz e Silva (ed)
December 1, 2020
Capa A Natureza do Vale do Acaraú
Geografia do Semiárido, Volume 7

The nature of the Acaraú Valley: a look through the windings of the relief

José Falcão Sobrinho
December 1, 2020
History, Spaces and Sensibilities book cover
Coleção História e Historiografia Volume 5

History, Spaces and Sensitivities

Antônio Luiz Macêdo e Silva Filho (ed)
December 1, 2020
Book cover Intellectuals, uses of the past and teaching History
Coleção História e Historiografia Volume 7

Intellectuals, uses of past and teaching History

Kleiton Sousa de Moraes (ed)
December 1, 2020
Capa livro História da saúde e das religiões
Coleção História e Historiografia Volume 10

Health history and religions

Cláudia Freitas de Oliveira (ed)
December 1, 2020
Book cover Administration from a multidisciplinary approach: a guide for administrators

Administration under a multidisciplinary approach: a guide for administrators

Cellyneude de Souza Fernandes (ed), Rogeane Morais Ribeiro (ed), Leo Mackellene Gonçalves de Castro (ed)
November 1, 2020
Capa O Parlamento Camocinense

The Camocinense Parliament: Historical facts 1879-2019

Carlos Augusto Pereira dos Santos
November 1, 2020
Capa livro Gestão da Qualidade e Segurança dos Alimentos: Coletânea de Pesquisas Acadêmicas
Série Alimentos, v. 1

Food Quality and Safety Management: Academic Research Collection

Francisca Joyce Elmiro Timbó Andrade (ed), Georgia Maciel Dias de Moraes (ed), Herlene Greyce da Silveira Queiroz (ed)
May 1, 2020
Book cover Focuses on the city and urban areas in the Argentine north

Approaches about city and the urban in northern argentina

Virgínia Célia Cavalcante de Holanda (ed), Sandra Mansilla (ed)
July 1, 2019
Cover The Concept of Bildung in Hegel

The concept of Bildung in Hegel

Marcos Fábio Alexandre Nicolau
June 1, 2019
Book cover Our people, our history: republican Ceará.

Our people, our history: republican Ceará

Carlos Augusto Pereira dos Santos (ed)
March 1, 2019
126-150 of 140