On the Sertão Trails

1 Titles

The researchers associated with the series Nas Trilhas do Sertão sought to present to the reading public a sertão different from the stereotypical one present in the narratives of fiction literature and television media. It is a rupture and an emancipation. A rupture because the series Nas trails do sertão always seeks to break with the history-memory and “flattery” that is produced by local organic intellectuals, whose production has the clear objective of building a laudatory and self-praising memory for the sertaneja elites and their ancestors.

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Book cover On the trails of the backlands: writings on culture and politics in Ceará Volume 7
Volume 7

On the backcountry trails: : writings on culture and politics in Ceará Volume 7

Francisco Dênis Melo (ed), Edvanir Maia da Silveira (ed)
September 1, 2022