Doing science in the backlands: Experiences and idealizations in Seridó


Helder Alexandre Medeiros de Macedo (ed)
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN)


Science, Northeast, Seridó, Education


Doing science in the sertões: experiences and idealizations in Seridó is a book resulting from a set of actions carried out by the Graduate Program in History of the Higher Education Center of Seridó (CERES) of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (PPGHC-UFRN ) with a view to contributing to scientific dissemination in the semi-arid region, based on the investigations carried out within the scope of the Master's Course in History of the Sertões. It is a direct result of the first stage of the actions of the Sertões em focus: History and Scientific Education project, originally approved in Public Notice 03/2020, of the Research Support Foundation of the State of Rio Grande do Norte (FAPERN) - call for Postgraduate Programs Emerging and consolidating Undergraduate Programs (PPGs) in Rio Grande do Norte to participate in FAPERN's Postgraduate Development Plan. After approval, it became part of the set of projects linked to Notice nº 14/2021-FAPERN - support for graduate programs for the scientific development of Rio Grande do Norte, with an emphasis on scientific education, renewable energies and Covid-19 and other health problems, with resources from the State Government, thus composing the FAPERN Graduate Development Plan (2021-2025). The Sertões in focus project: History and Scientific Education has the premise of filling needs, with regard to the actions of dissemination of scientific knowledge carried out by the PPGHC-UFRN. The program mobilizes an area of concentration around the thematic domain of the History of the Sertões. We thus reinforce the specificity and innovation of this area of concentration, since it is the first in Brazil to be explicitly dedicated to the field of History of the Sertões as an investigative domain. The project proposal, therefore, converges to the priority area of Science Education, a field of science that has been dedicated to the task of sharing information related to the production of scientific knowledge with individuals who are not, traditionally, considered as part of the university community, for example.


  • A sertaneja identity
    readings of the sertão by Oswaldo Lamartine de Faria
    Natália Raiane de Paiva Araújo
  • Club Romeiros do Porvir and the city of Crato at the dawn of the 20th century
    Johnnys Jorge Gomes Alencar
  • Sertaneja images in potiguar comics (1992-2015)
    Filipe Viana da Silva
  • For new and multiple hinterlands
    Evandro dos Santos
  • The sertões in/in fashion
    Marcelino Gomes dos Santos
  • Other families from the Seridó
    a proposal to reflect on miscegenation in the interior of Rio Grande do Norte
    Helder Alexandre Medeiros de Macedo
  • The hinterland from the Historical Institute and Geographic of Rio Grande do Norte
    Ledson Marcos da Silva
  • Sertanejos Dialogues
    Sertão and Literacy
    Laísa Fernanda Santos de Farias
  • Seridó
    Alda Medeiros, Matheus Santos
  • The history of the sertões in new perspectives
    contributions to the construction of a field of research
    Evandro dos Santos, Helder Alexandre Medeiros de Macedo, Joel Carlos de Souza Andrade

Author Biographies

Helder Alexandre Medeiros de Macedo, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN)

He is a historian and professor of History, linked to the Department of History of the Higher Education Center of Seridó (CERES) of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN). He works, as a permanent professor, in the Graduate Programs in History of the Sertões (PPGHC-UFRN) and History and Spaces (PPGH-UFRN).

Natália Raiane de Paiva Araújo

Master in History of the Sertões by PPGHC-UFRN.

Johnnys Jorge Gomes Alencar

Master in History of the Sertões by the PPGHC-UFRN and, currently, a doctoral candidate in History by the Federal University of Bahia (UFBA).

Filipe Viana da Silva

Master in History of the Sertões by PPGHC-UFRN.

Evandro dos Santos, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN)

PhD in History from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), professor at the Department of History at CERES-UFRN and permanent professor at PPGHC-UFRN.

Marcelino Gomes dos Santos

Master in History of the Sertões by PPGHC-UFRN.

Ledson Marcos da Silva

Master in History of the Sertões by PPGHC-UFRN and currently a doctoral student in History by UFPE.

Laísa Fernanda Santos de Farias

Master in History of the Sertões by PPGHC-UFRN and currently a doctoral candidate in Education by UFRN.

Alda Medeiros

Master in History of the Sertões by PPGHC-UFRN.

Matheus Santos

Master in History of the Sertões by PPGHC-UFRN.

Joel Carlos de Souza Andrade, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN)

PhD in History from the University of Coimbra, professor at the Department of History at CERES-UFRN and permanent professor at PPGHC-UFRN.

Capa Fazendo ciência nos sertões: Experiências e idealizações no Seridó



February 1, 2023