Teacher training and experiences in times of pandemic


Carlos Alberto Vasconcelos (ed)
Universidade Federal de Sergipe (UFS)


Pandemic, Teacher training, Scenario of change, Teachers, New technologies


The current scenario, marked by the coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic and especially by the health crisis, puts us in front of crucial issues in life, including education. Education professionals, especially teachers, have a variety of technological and pedagogical interfaces to assist in the teaching-learning process and provide a collaborative learning environment. We are all (re)learning to know, to communicate, to teach and learn, to integrate the human and the technological. We emphasize, specifically in this pandemic period, that technologies are extensions inherent to human beings within cyberspace and increasingly exercise primacy as resources for education. Thus, the chapters that make up this work provide spaces and reflections for the (re)construction of knowledge, when teaching and learning, so that the subjects involved can build scientific concepts and produce meanings in their practices and areas of knowledge, seeking to emphasize the values and attitudes of a professional who seeks continuous updating, based on training.


  • Remote classes in basic education
    Implications for teacher training
    Rozevania Valadares de Meneses César , Rafaela Virgínia Correia da Silva Costa
  • Teacher training
    Reflections in times of uncertainty
    Alessandra dos Santos Vieira, Clara Maria Correa Pereira Andrade
  • Initial training of pedagogues for teaching mathematics
    The curricular proposal of the pedagogy course at the Federal University of Sergipe (UFS)
    Cássia Machado Ribeiro Dantas
  • The training of teachers for environmental education in the face of the challenges of curricular environmentalization of institutions
    Natalie Batista Oliveira, Carlos Alberto Vasconcelos
  • Teacher training in Brazil
    From the Law of Primary Schools - 1827 to Presidential Decree No. 6,755 - 2009
    Rafaela Virgínia Correia da Silva Costa, Rozevania Valadares de Meneses César
  • The training of mathematics teachers and those who teach mathematics and its implications for pedagogical practice
    Eressiely Batista Oliveira Conceição, Carlos Alberto Vasconcelos
  • Assessment of learning and teacher training
    A reflection between theory and practice
    Maria da Piedade Andrade do Rosário, Jordana Rabelo de Menezes
  • Teacher training for the use of digital technologies
    Successful experiences at the Federal University of Sergipe during the pandemic
    José Batista de Souza, Tainah dos Santos Carvalho
  • The bachelor in teaching
    A study on the performance of the bachelor teacher in teaching at the Federal Institute of Pará - campus Santarém
    Weverton Santos de Jesus, José Antônio de Oliveira Júnior
  • Graham Bell's tetrahedral kite
    A pedagogical experience in the process of continuing education of teachers for teaching geometry
    Elisânia Santana de Oliveira, Weverton Santos de Jesus
  • Distance education in times of pandemic
    An analysis of educational relationships
    Rita Cristiane Ramacciotti Gusmão Soares, Alessandra Conceição Monteiro Alves, Luiz Claudio Correia dos Santos
  • The digital didactic sequence in the virtual production of parodies
    Fábio Pires de Amorim, Denson André Pereira da Silva Sobral
  • Challenges for the development of environmental education in the semi-arid region of Sergipe
    Wagner da Cruz Silva


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Author Biographies

Carlos Alberto Vasconcelos, Universidade Federal de Sergipe (UFS)

Associate Professor at the Department of Education, at the Graduate Program in Science and Mathematics Teaching (PPGECIMA) and at the Graduate Program in Education (PPGED) at the Federal University of Sergipe. He has a Post-Doctorate in Contemporary Education, a Doctorate and Masters in Geography, Specializations in Geography of Brazil, Pedagogical Training, Environmental Education and Sustainable Development for the Semiarid Region. Graduated in Geography, Pedagogy and Literature. He is part of the Education and Contemporaneity Research Group (EDUCON-UFS) and is Leader of the Study and Research Group on Teacher Education and Information and Communication Technologies-FOPTIC / CNPq / UFS. He has publications in printed books, international and national magazines, chapters in e-books and books, as well as texts in annals of events. He works in the areas of Teacher Training, Learning Assessment, Environmental Education, Child Labor, Teaching and Methodology of Geography, Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Information and Communication Technologies and Distance Education. He advises Scientific Initiation, Masters and Doctorate works. It is part of the National Association for the Training of Education Professionals – ANFOPE, Sergipe section.

Rozevania Valadares de Meneses César , SEED-SE

Teacher at the State Department of Education of Sergipe (SEED) and at the Municipal Department of Education of Itapicuru, Bahia (SMEI). She works in the final grades of basic education. Researcher linked to the Higher Education Studies Group - GEES (UFS/CNPq) and member of the National Association for the Training of Education Professionals (ANFOPE). She carries out research in Education with an emphasis on the continuing education of teachers.

Rafaela Virgínia Correia da Silva Costa, Secretaria Municipal de Educação de Tobias Barreto/SE

Master's student in Education at Tiradentes University (UNIT) - Professor at the Sergipe State Department of Education (SEED/SE) and at the Municipal Department of Education at Tobias Barreto/SE. She works in the final grades of Basic Education. Researcher linked to the Study Group on Higher Education - GEES (CNPq/UFS) and the Communication and Technology Research Center - NUCA (CNPq/UFS). She conducts research in Education with an emphasis on Teacher Training.


Alessandra dos Santos Vieira, Seduc Nossa Sr.ª das Dores – SE

Master and Doctoral student at the Graduate Program in Letters (PPGL) at the Federal University of Sergipe. She is currently a teacher hired by the municipality of Nossa Sr.ª das Dores – SE, where she teaches English. Her experience spans elementary and high school. The teacher has an extension course with a workload of 100 hours, entitled “Digital environments: in theory and practice in the classroom”, offered by the Federal University of Sergipe.


Clara Maria Correa Pereira Andrade

She is a Master's student in Literature at the Federal University of Sergipe. His professional experience encompasses English language teaching in a language school, in addition to extension courses in the area of teacher training, whose participation began since graduation, in which he already worked/assisted in training projects for English language teachers in the network public in Sergipe. Her research interests are directed towards the area of English teacher training, currently with a master's research focused on the training of UFS English Literature graduates in the modality of distance education.


Cássia Machado Ribeiro Dantas

Pedagogue and Specialist in People Management. Master's student in Education by the Graduate Program in Education (PPGED) at the Federal University of Sergipe (UFS) and scholarship holder by the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq). Research in the field of education, focusing on Teacher Training, with an interest in the subject of Initial Teacher Training.

Natalie Batista Oliveira

Graduated in Biological Sciences from the Federal University of Sergipe (2018). She participated in the Institutional Scholarship Program for Teaching Initiation (Pibid). Currently carries out research in Educational Sciences, with an emphasis on Teaching and Learning Strategies, Specialist in Education Informatics and Tutoring in Distance Education (FAVENI) Master's student in the Postgraduate Program in Teaching Science and Mathematics (UFS), member of the group of Studies and Research in Teacher Training and Information and Communication Technologies (FOPTIC).


Eressiely Batista Oliveira Conceição

Master in Teaching Science and Mathematics (PPGECIMA/UFS); Specialist in Inclusive Education and Chemistry Education (PIO X); graduated in Pedagogy (PIO X); Undergraduate student in Chemistry (IFS); member of the Teaching Studies and Research Group (GEPED/GEES) CNPQ/UFS; Study and Research Group on Education and Contemporaneity (EDUCON); Collaborative Center for Research and Practice in Mathematics Education (NCPPEM) CNPQ/UFS. Works in the area of Teacher Training, with emphasis on Curriculum, Didactics and Teaching Methods of Natural Sciences and Mathematics.


Maria da Piedade Andrade do Rosário, Seduc de Antas-BA

Graduated in Letters and Pedagogy. She has experience in the field of education, with an emphasis on teaching and learning. She works as a teacher in the Municipality of Antas-BA, since 2012. She worked as a teacher / tutor in Degree and Specialization courses at the PROED Institute. Member of the Rural Education Group of the [Re] elaboration of Curricular References Program in the Municipalities of Bahia, working in the municipality of Antas-BA (2020).


Jordana Rabelo de Menezes, Seduc de Paripiranga-BA

Master's student in Geography - UFS (2021). She has experience in the area of education, with an emphasis on teaching and learning in Basic Education. She works as a teacher in the Municipality of Paripiranga-BA, since 2009 and in the State of Sergipe, since 2013. She was a member of the Construction Team of the Municipal Education Plan-PME in the Municipality of Paripiranga-BA. Member of the Study and Learning Group (GEAs) in the area of Environmental Education and Human Sciences of the Program for [Re] elaboration of Curriculum References in the Municipalities of Bahia working in the Municipality of Paripiranga-BA (2020).


José Batista de Souza

Master in Letters (UFS). Effective professor of the Municipal and State Teaching Networks of Bahia (SEDUC/BA) and of the Faculdade do Nordeste da Bahia (FANEB). He works in the areas of Teacher Education, Children's Literature, Digital Literature, Textual Production, Information and Communication Technologies and English Language Teaching. It is part of the Studies and Research Group on Teacher Training and Information and Communication Technologies (FOPTIC/CNPq/UFS), the Paidéia Studies and Research Group (FANEB) and the Education and Contemporaneity Studies and Research Group (EDUCON/CNPq/UFS ).

Tainah dos Santos Carvalho

Pedagogue from the Faculty of Northeast Bahia (FANEB). She works as a researcher in the areas of Digital Information and Communication Technologies (TDIC), Reading and Reader Education, Literary Reading, Children's and Youth Literature, Storytelling and Brazilian Literature. She is part of the Paidéia Study and Research Group (FANEB).


Wanderson dos Santos Monteiro, Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Pará (IFPA)

Degree in Sanitary Engineering from the Federal University of Pará; specialist in Environmental Management (UFPA), in Teaching for Professional, Scientific and Technological Education (IFPA); Master in Civil Engineering from the Federal University of Pará. He is currently a professor at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Pará, coordinator of the technical course in sanitation.

José Antônio de Oliveira Júnior, Instituto Federal de Sergipe (IFS)

Professor of Basic Technical and Technological Education (EBTT) of the Civil Engineering Course and Technical courses Integrated to High School at the Federal Institute of Sergipe (IFS) - Campus Estância. Master in Teaching Science and Mathematics/UFS. Works in the areas of Mathematics, Mathematics Education, Scientific and Technological Professional Education, Mathematics Didactics, Teacher Training in Science and Mathematics Teaching, Methodology for Teaching and Learning Mathematics, Information and Communication Technologies for Teaching and Learning, Techniques of Teaching and Learning and Distance Education. He is leader of the line of Research on Studies and Language in Teaching and Learning in Mathematics Sciences of the Research Group LICTI / CNPq / IFPA - Languages, Cultures, Technologies and Inclusion of the Federal Institute of Pará - Campus Castanhal.


Elisânia Santana de Oliveira, Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de Sergipe (IFSE)

Professor of Mathematics at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Sergipe, Campus Itabaiana. She works in the area of Mathematics Teaching and Digital Information and Communication Technologies. She is part of the research group Education and Digital Cultures (ECult) CNPQ / UFS and the research group Agriculture, Sustainability, Management and Ruralities CNPQ / IFS.


Weverton Santos de Jesus, Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de Sergipe (IFS)

Professor at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Sergipe (IFS)/Campus Nossa Senhora da Glória-SE. Degree in Chemistry (UFS), Specialist in Teaching Methodologies for Basic Education (UFS), Master in Teaching Natural Sciences and Mathematics (UFS) and PhD in Education (UFS). Works in the areas of Teacher Training; Chemistry teaching; Information and Communication Technologies; Social Representations; Basic, Technical and Technological Education. He is part of the Alto Sertão Sergipano Multidisciplinary Studies Group (GEMASS) and the Education and Digital Cultures Research Group (Ecult).


Rita Cristiane Ramacciotti Gusmão Soares, Faculdade de Ciências Educacionais Capim Grosso - FCG

Professor at the Faculty of Educational Sciences Capim Grosso - FCG in Bahia, Evaluator of Undergraduate and Higher Technology Courses by INEP/MEC. She has experience in receiving the MEC Commission for authorization and evaluation of undergraduate courses, in EaD as a teacher, tutor and coordination of courses, in addition to teaching classes in the disciplines of Scientific Research Methodology, Languages, in the area of Teacher Training and Management , Invited speaker on various topics related to education at Editora Construir, Author of the book “Distance Education and Social Inclusion”.


Alessandra Conceição Monteiro Alves, Faculdade Fanese Aracaju/SE

Pedagogue, Specialist in Higher Education Methodology - Fapese/UFS, Master in Education from the Federal University of Sergipe, Specialization in Neuropsychopedagogy. Undergraduate and Graduate Professor, Member of the Bank of Assessors of the National Higher Education Assessment System - BASis/ INEP, Educational Advisory FANESE - Business School of Sergipe and Institutional Attorney. Member of the Study and Research Group on Teacher Training and Information and Communication Technologies - FOPTIC/CNPq/UFS.


Luiz Claudio Correia dos Santos, Fundação Bradesco Propriá/SE

Graduated in Pedagogy (2020) and Administration (2012). Studying Literature, Portuguese Language at Estácio de Sá University. He is currently a professional/pedagogical advisor at Fundação Bradesco's School of Basic and Professional Education. He works in the area of Basic and Professional Education. Member of the Study and Research Group on Teacher Training and Information and Communication Technologies FOPTIC / UFS. Associated with ANFOPE - SE. Researcher in the area of education, mainly in the themes of teacher training, technologies, early childhood education and Paulo Freire.


Fábio Pires de Amorim, Secretaria Municipal de Educação (SEMED) de Boquim/SE

Master in Letters (PROFLETRAS/UFS). Professor at the Municipal Secretary of Education (SEMED) of Boquim/SE. He works in the areas of Reading and Text Production, Teaching and Learning of the Portuguese Language and Information and Communication Technologies and Distance Education.


Denson André Pereira da Silva Sobral, Universidade Federal de Alagoas (UFAL)

Adjunct Professor of the Pedagogy and Letters courses at the Federal University of Alagoas (UFAL) and the Professional Graduate Program in Letters (PROFLETRAS) at the Federal University of Sergipe (UFS), Itabaiana/SE campus. Works in the areas of Discourse Analysis Studies (DA), Applied Linguistics, Reading and Text Production, Portuguese Language Teaching-Learning Methodology, Supervised Internship, Children's Literature, Literacy and Literacy and Information and Communication Technologies and Education Distance. He is a member of GELINE (Language and Teaching Studies Research Group), of the Research Group on Language, Enunciation and Discourses for the Teaching of the Portuguese Language (LED) and of the Study and Research Group on Teacher Training and Information Technologies and Communication - FOPTIC/CNPq/UFS.


Wagner da Cruz Silva, Rede Pública Estadual de Sergipe

Professor of the Sergipe State Public Network, with a degree in Geography from the Federal University of Sergipe (2003). Master's in Education from the Federal University of Sergipe (PPGED-2012) and PhD student in Education from the Federal University of Minas Gerais (DLA/FAE/UFMG). Member of the Study and Research Group on Teacher Training and Information and Communication Technologies at the Federal University of Sergipe (FOPTIC/CNPQ/UFS). Works in the areas of Basic Education Teacher Training, Environmental Education, Comparative Education and Public Policies for Education in Latin America.


Capa Formação de professores e experiências em tempos de pandemia



May 1, 2021